After cloning the storefront to your private git repository, you can head over to Netlify to complete the remainder of the configuration. If you don't already have a Netlify account, now is the time to create one (you can create an account with GitHub/GitLab). Create an account or log in to Netlify to get started.

Once you have logged in, you'll want to create a New site from Git. From there, log in with your git account, and select the appropriate repository.

For Swell storefront themes, you want to ensure that the build settings and environment variables are setup according to the theme’s instructions:

Now that we've set the configurations, we can go ahead and deploy the site. This may take a bit of time, depending on how much data is within your store. Starting from scratch, it took us anywhere from 3 to 5 minutes to get the site deployed. If the deployment stalls or you encounter a network issue during your deployment attempt, wait a few minutes before trying again.

After the deployment process, you'll be able to access your shiny, new storefront from the Netlify dashboard. Here, you can view the external-facing site, configure your domain and website settings, add Netlify plugins, and start making sales. When making any changes to your site, simply push them from your git repository to go live on Netlify.

After verifying that your storefront is up and running, you can then add the storefront URL given by Vercel or a custom domain name to a storefront in the Dashboard. You can create a new storefront any time at StorefrontsNew Storefront.

Doing so will allow you to showcase that storefront in your store’s dashboard and also set it as the primary storefront for your store.