Backend API
Promotions are a way to offer customers a discount without a coupon code, by automatically applying discounts to their cart. A promotion can have several discounts and exceptions. For example, a promotion discount can apply to a whole order, to particular categories, to individual products, or to shipping methods. A promotion can be limited to a maximum number of uses, by specific customer groups, and more.
objectIdUnique identifier for the promotion.
stringrequiredA short descriptive name of the promo.
booleanIndicates the promo is currently active. Note: this is not affected by date_start and date_end.
stringThree-letter ISO currency code in uppercase. Defaults to the store's base currency.
dateautoDate and time the promotion was created.
daterequiredDate the promo ends and is no longer available. When defined, the promo will not be applied after this date.
dateDate the promo is first available. When defined, the promo will not be valid until after this date and before date_end.
dateautoDate and time the promotion was last updated.
stringA brief description of the promo, as it may be displayed to customers.
stringID of the discount group the promo belongs to, if applicable, as defined in discount settings. Used to ensure only one set of discount rules can apply across a number of coupons and promotions.
array of objectList of discount rules to apply.
array of objectItems required to be purchased in order to receive the promotion.
objectIdUnique identifier for the category.
categoryExpandable link to the category.
objectIdUnique identifier for the product.
productExpandable link to the product.
categoryExpandable link to the discounted category, if applicable.
objectIdID of the category to discount, if applicable.
currencyMaximum redeemable discount amount for the coupon.
exclude_categoriesExpandable list of excluded categories, if applicable.
array of category_idList of category IDs to exclude from discount, applicable to category discounts when several categories overlap.
array of objectEligible discounted items available once promotion's buy_items requirements are met.
objectIdUnique identifier for the category.
categoryExpandable link to the category.
objectIdUnique identifier for the product.
productExpandable link to the product.
booleanIndicates whether the get_items promotion requirements have been met.
currencyMinimum product price required for the rule to apply, applicable for category and product discounts.
productExpandable link to the discounted product, if applicable.
objectIdID of the product to discount, if applicable.
intMaximum product quantity for which the rule will apply, applicable for category and product discounts.
intMinimum product quantity required for the rule to apply, applicable for category and product discounts.
stringID of the shipping service to discount, if applicable.
currencyMinimum order total required for the rule to apply.
enumType of discount to apply. Can be total, product, category or shipment.
Possible enum values:
currencyFixed discount applied when value_type=fixed.
floatPercentage discount applied when value_type=percent.
objectIdID of the variant to discount, if applicable.
enumrequiredType of discount amount to calculate. Can be fixed or percent.
Possible enum values:
variantExpandable link to the discounted variant, if applicable.
array of objectList of exclusions considered when the promo is applied.
objectIdID of the category to exclude from the promo.
categoryExpandable link to the category excluded from the promo.
objectIdID of the product to exclude from the promo.
productExpandable link to the product excluded from the promo.
enumrequiredType of exclusion. Can be product or category.
Possible enum values:
array of account_groupsList of customer account for which the promo will apply.
intMaximum number of times the promo will be applied by each customer account.
intMaximum number of times the promo will be applied across all customers.
OrderExpandable list of orders that have applied the promo.
SubscriptionExpandable list of subscriptions that have applied the promo.
intautoNumber of times the promo has been applied.
array of UsesExpandable list of promotion use records.
The promotion model
"id": "60f199509111e7000000006b",
"name": "15% Off Store Wide Sale",
"active": true,
"currency": "USD",
"date_created": "2021-07-16T14:36:00.386Z",
"date_end": "2018-03-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"date_start": "2018-11-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"date_updated": "2021-07-16T14:36:00.386Z",
"description": "Save 15% store wide for a limited time only.",
"discounts": [
"type": "total",
"value_type": "percent",
"value_fixed": 15
"limit_account_uses": 3,
"limit_uses": 300,
"use_count": 142
Create a new promotion. If you wish to generate your own unique ID for the record, it must use BSON ObjectID format for compatibility.
stringrequiredA short descriptive name of the promo.
stringA brief description of the promo, as it may be displayed to customers.
booleanIndicates the promo is currently active. Note: this is not affected by date_start and date_end.
dateDate the promo is first available. When defined, the promo will not be valid until after this date and before date_end.
dateDate the promo ends and is no longer available. When defined, the promo will not be applied after this date.
array of objectrequiredList of discount rules to apply.
enumType of discount to apply. Can be total, product, category, or shipment.
Possible enum values:
enumrequiredType of discount amount to calculate. Can be fixed or percent.
Possible enum values:
currencyFixed discount applied when value_type=fixed.
floatPercentage discount applied when value_type=percent.
currencyMinimum order total required for the rule to apply.
currencyThe maximum amount of a discount that can be redeemed.
currencyThe minimum amount of a discount that can be redeemed.
intMinimum product quantity required for the rule to apply, applicable for category and product discounts.
intMaximum product quantity for which the rule will apply, applicable for category and product discounts.
objectIdID of the product to discount, if applicable.
objectIdID of the variant to discount, if applicable.
stringID of the shipping service to discount, if applicable.
objectIdID of the category to discount, if applicable.
array of child_scalarList of category IDs to exclude from discount, applicable to category discounts when several categories overlap.
productExpandable link to the discounted product, if applicable.
variantExpandable link to the discounted variant, if applicable.
categoryExpandable link to the discounted category, if applicable.
exclude_categoriesExpandable list of excluded categories, if applicable.
array of objectItems required to be purchased in order to receive the promotion.
objectIdID of the product that is tied to the promotion eligibility, if applicable.
productExpandable link to the promotion-eligible product, if applicable.
objectIdID of the category that is tied to the promotion eligibility, if applicable.
categoryExpandable link to the promotion-eligible category, if applicable.
array of objectEligible discounted items available once promotion's buy_items requirements are met.
objectIdID of the product to discount, if applicable.
productExpandable link to the discounted product, if applicable.
objectIdID of the discounted category, if applicable.
categoryExpandable link to the discounted category, if applicable.
booleanIndicates whether the get_items promotion requirements have been met.
intNumber of times the promo has been applied.
intMaximum number of times the promo will be applied across all customers.
intMaximum number of times the promo will be applied by each customer account.
array of child_scalarList of customer account for which the promo will apply.
stringID of the discount group the promo belongs to, if applicable, as defined in discount settings. Used to ensure only one set of discount rules can apply across a number of coupons and promotions.
array of objectList of exclusions considered when the promo is applied.
enumrequiredThe type of exclusion for the promotion. Can be either product or category.
Possible enum values:
objectIdID of the product to exclude from the discount, if applicable.
objectIdID of the category to exclude from the discount, if applicable.
productExpandable link to the excluded product, if applicable.
categoryExpandable link to the excluded category, if applicable.
Promotion UseExpandable list of promo usage records.
OrderExpandable list of orders that have applied the promo.
SubscriptionExpandable list of subscriptions that have applied the promo.
stringThree-letter ISO currency code in uppercase. Defaults to the store's base currency.
array of child_scalarconst swell = require('swell-node').init('store-id', 'secret-key');
await'/promotions', {
discounts: [
type: 'total',
value_type: 'percent',
value_fixed: 15
name: '15% Off Store Wide Sale',
active: true,
date_end: '2018-03-01T00:00:00.000Z',
date_start: '2018-11-01T00:00:00.000Z',
description: 'Save 15% store wide for a limited time only.'
"id": "60f199509111e7000000006b",
"name": "15% Off Store Wide Sale",
"active": true,
"currency": "USD",
"date_created": "2021-07-16T14:36:00.386Z",
"date_end": "2018-03-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"date_start": "2018-11-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"date_updated": "2021-07-16T14:36:00.386Z",
"description": "Save 15% store wide for a limited time only.",
"discounts": [
"type": "total",
"value_type": "percent",
"value_fixed": 15
"limit_account_uses": 3,
"limit_uses": 300,
"use_count": 142
Retrieve an existing promotion using the ID that was returned when created.
objectIdrequiredThe ID of the promotion to retrieve.
stringExpanding link fields and child collections is performed using the expand argument.
- For example, expand=account would return a related customer account if one exists.
When the field represents a collection, you can specify the query limit.
- For example, expand=variants:10 would return up to 10 records of the variants collection.
See expanding for more details.
stringReturn only the specified fields in the result. For example fields=name,slug would return only the fields name and slug in the response. Supports nested object and array fields using dot-notation, for example, items.product_id. The category id is always returned.
stringInclude one or more arbitrary queries in the response, possibly related to the main query.
See including for more details.
const swell = require('swell-node').init('store-id', 'secret-key');
await swell.get('/promotions/{id}', {
id: '60f199509111e7000000006e'
"id": "60f199509111e70000000071",
"name": "15% Off Store Wide Sale",
"active": true,
"currency": "USD",
"date_created": "2021-07-16T14:36:00.386Z",
"date_end": "2018-03-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"date_start": "2018-11-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"date_updated": "2021-07-16T14:36:00.386Z",
"description": "Save 15% store wide for a limited time only.",
"discounts": [
"type": "total",
"value_type": "percent",
"value_fixed": 15
"limit_account_uses": 3,
"limit_uses": 300,
"use_count": 142
Update an existing promotion using the ID that was returned when created.
objectIdrequiredUnique identifier for the promotion.
booleanIndicates the promo is currently active. Note: this is not affected by date_start and date_end.
dateDate the promo ends and is no longer available. When defined, the promo will not be applied after this date.
stringA short descriptive name of the promo.
stringThree-letter ISO currency code in uppercase. Defaults to the store's base currency.
dateDate the promo is first available. When defined, the promo will not be valid until after this date and before date_end.
stringA brief description of the promo, as it may be displayed to customers.
stringID of the discount group the promo belongs to, if applicable, as defined in discount settings. Used to ensure only one set of discount rules can apply across a number of coupons and promotions.
array of objectrequiredList of discount rules to apply.
enumType of discount to apply. Can be total, product, category, or shipment.
Possible enum values:
enumrequiredType of discount amount to calculate. Can be fixed or percent.
Possible enum values:
currencyFixed discount applied when value_type=fixed.
floatPercentage discount applied when value_type=percent.
currencyMinimum order total required for the rule to apply.
currencyThe maximum amount of a discount that can be redeemed.
currencyThe mimimum amount of a discount that can be redeemed.
intMinimum product quantity required for the rule to apply, applicable for category and product discounts.
intMaximum product quantity for which the rule will apply, applicable for category and product discounts.
objectIdID of the product to discount, if applicable.
objectIdID of the variant to discount, if applicable.
stringID of the shipping service to discount, if applicable.
objectIdID of the category to discount, if applicable.
array of child_scalarList of category IDs to exclude from discount, applicable to category discounts when several categories overlap.
productExpandable link to the discounted product, if applicable.
variantExpandable link to the discounted variant, if applicable.
categoryExpandable link to the discounted category, if applicable.
exclude_categoriesExpandable list of excluded categories, if applicable.
array of objectList of items that need to be purchased before the promotion becomes eligible.
objectIdID of the product that is tied to the promotion eligibility, if applicable.
productExpandable link to the promotion-eligible product, if applicable.
objectIdID of the category that is tied to the promotion eligibility, if applicable.
categoryExpandable link to the promotion-eligible category, if applicable.
array of objectList of items eligible for promotion after designated products have been purchased.
objectIdID of the product to discount, if applicable.
productExpandable link to the discounted product, if applicable.
objectIdID of the discounted category, if applicable.
categoryExpandable link to the discounted category, if applicable.
array of objectList of exclusions considered when the promo is applied.
enumrequiredThe type of exclusion for the promotion. Can be either product or category.
Possible enum values:
objectIdID of the product to exclude from the discount, if applicable.
objectIdID of the category to exclude from the discount, if applicable.
productExpandable link to the excluded product, if applicable.
categoryExpandable link to the excluded category, if applicable.
intNumber of times the promo has been applied.
intMaximum number of times the promo will be applied across all customers.
intMaximum number of times the promo will be applied by each customer account.
array of child_scalarList of customer account for which the promo will apply.
const swell = require('swell-node').init('store-id', 'secret-key');
await swell.put('/promotions/{id}', {
id: '60f199509111e7000000006b',
limit_uses: 300,
active: true
"id": "60f199509111e7000000006b",
"name": "15% Off Store Wide Sale",
"active": true,
"currency": "USD",
"date_created": "2021-07-16T14:36:00.386Z",
"date_end": "2018-03-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"date_start": "2018-11-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"date_updated": "2021-07-16T14:36:00.386Z",
"description": "Save 15% store wide for a limited time only.",
"discounts": [
"type": "total",
"value_type": "percent",
"value_fixed": 15
"limit_account_uses": 3,
"limit_uses": 300,
"use_count": 142
Return a list of promotions.
stringExpand link fields and child collections by using the expand argument.
- For example, expand=account would return a related customer account if one exists.
When the field represents a collection, you can specify the query limit.
- For example, expand=variants:10 would return up to 10 records of the variants collection.
See expanding for more details.
stringReturns only the specified fields in the result.
- For example fields=name,slug would return only the fields name and slug in the response.
Supports nested object and array fields using dot-notation.
- For example, items.product_id. The product id is always returned.
objectInclude one or more arbitrary queries in the response which are potentially related to the main query.
See including for more details.
intLimit the number of records returned, ranging between 1 and 1000. Defaults to 15.
intThe page number of results to return given the specified or default limit.
stringA text search is performed using the search argument. Searchable fields are defined by the model.
- For example, search=red would return records containing the word "red" anywhere in the defined text fields.
See searching for more details.
stringExpression to sort results by using a format similar to a SQL sort statement.
- For example, sort=name asc would return records sorted by name ascending.
See sorting for more details.
objectAn object with criteria to filter the result.
- For example, active=true would return records containing a field active with the value true.
It's also possible to use query operators, for example, $eq, $ne, $gt, and more.
See querying for more details.
const swell = require('swell-node').init('store-id', 'secret-key');
await swell.get('/promotions', {
where: {
active: true
limit: 25,
page: 1
"count": 51,
"results": [
"id": "60f199509111e7000000006b",
"name": "15% Off Store Wide Sale",
"active": true,
"currency": "USD",
"date_created": "2021-07-16T14:36:00.386Z",
"date_end": "2018-03-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"date_start": "2018-11-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"date_updated": "2021-07-16T14:36:00.386Z",
"description": "Save 15% store wide for a limited time only.",
"discounts": [
"type": "total",
"value_type": "percent",
"value_fixed": 15
"limit_account_uses": 3,
"limit_uses": 300,
"use_count": 142
"page": 1,
"pages": {
"1": {
"start": 1,
"end": 25
"2": {
"start": 26,
"end": 50
"2": {
"start": 51,
"end": 51
Delete a promotion permanently.
objectIdrequiredThe id of the promotion to delete.
const swell = require('swell-node').init('store-id', 'secret-key');
await swell.delete('/promotions/{id}', {
id: '60f199509111e70000000074'
"id": "60f199509111e70000000077",
"name": "15% Off Store Wide Sale",
"active": true,
"currency": "USD",
"date_created": "2021-07-16T14:36:00.386Z",
"date_end": "2018-03-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"date_start": "2018-11-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"date_updated": "2021-07-16T14:36:00.386Z",
"description": "Save 15% store wide for a limited time only.",
"discounts": [
"type": "total",
"value_type": "percent",
"value_fixed": 15
"limit_account_uses": 3,
"limit_uses": 300,
"use_count": 142